Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery}

Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery The Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery, situated in Olaszliszka, holds substantial historical and cultural value in Hungary. The cemetery is a key memory of the local Jewish community’s history, which maintained a substantial presence in the village from the 19th century until the mid-20th century. Historical Background Olasz

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הערשעלע ליסקער ציון: תּפֿילות, ברכות, ישועות און עבודה מיט מסירות נפש צום 150סטער יאָרצײַט

ממש יעדן טאָג, מיט מסירות נפש און אומאָויפֿהערלעכער עבודה, היטן און פֿאַרשיינערן מיר דעם הייליקן ירושה פֿון ליסקאַ, פּונקט ווי דער גרויסער רבי, הערשעלע ליסקער, האָט עס געטאָן אין זײַנע טעג. דאָ

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Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ״ל), resonate.

The town of Liska, known as one of the most sacred places in the world, is filled with special moments where the deep prayers at the gravesite of Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l resonate powerfully.Through this prayer, we plead for healing for those who are unwell, financial support for the poor, and peace and wellness for Israel and all of humankind. 

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A haszid kozosseg Magyarorszagon

A haszid zsidóság magyarországi közössége.A haszidizmus a zsidó vallás egyik spirituális ága, amely a 18. század közepén alakult ki Kelet-Európában. Izrael ben Eliezer, akit Báál Sém Tov néven ismertek, a mozgalom alapítójaként az isteni közelséget és az Isten szeretetét emelte ki tanításaiban. A 19. és 20. században

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Liska: Where Greatness Finds Its Home

Liska: Where Greatness Finds Its HomeKerestir Rebbe Steiner Sajele resided and pursued his studies here.At the residence of Reb Hershele Friedmann in Liska, Rebbe Steiner Sajele of Kerestir delved into the most profound Torah knowledge and wisdom. Armed with this knowledge, he embarked on his meaningful journey to serve the community.The epicenter

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